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Honoring the Few, the Proud, on their 248th Birthday: Til Valhalla Projects’s Tribute to the U.S. Marine Corps

Honoring the Few, the Proud, on their 248th Birthday: Til Valhalla Projects’s Tribute to the U.S. Marine Corps

The Marine Corps Legacy and Til Valhalla's Tribute

Every year on November 10th, we celebrate the rich history and incredible sacrifices of the U.S. Marine Corps. Founded in 1775, the Marine Corps has stood as a symbol of Honor, bravery, and dedication to duty. This year marks 248 Marine Corps Birthdays. But for us at Til Valhalla Project, this day holds even more significance.

Centuries of Valor and Sacrifice

Marine and flag
Photo Credit: Designed by Freepik

From the Halls of Montezuma to the deserts of Afghanistan, the Marines have faced down every challenge thrown their way. Their relentless spirit is captured in their motto, "Semper Fidelis" – Always Faithful. This spirit of faithfulness resonates with us deeply, as we too strive to keep the memory of our Heroes alive and remembered.

Korey Shaffer's Semper Fi Journey

Korey Afghanistan

Our founder, Korey Shaffer, is a Marine with a heart-wrenching story that birthed our mission. Korey served bravely in the Afghanistan war. Like many others, the war's impact followed them home. Heartbreakingly, Korey's close friend took his own life after returning from deployment, a stark reminder of the invisible battles many of our servicemen and women face.

This devastating loss became the catalyst for Korey to start hand-crafting memorial plaques. He was determined that no Fallen Hero, whether on the battlefield or fighting personal demons, would be forgotten.

Our Marine Family: Carrying the Torch of Remembrance

Marine Corps

With Marines integral to our team, Til Valhalla Project has a deep, personal connection to the Marine Corps' values. Every plaque, hand-crafted with love and Honor, represents our unwavering commitment to ensure that the sacrifices made by our Heroes are forever etched in memory; their legacies never forgotten, and to offer a bit of comfort to the families left behind.

A Birthday Tribute to the Few and Proud

To every Marine – past, present, and future – and to our incredible supporters and Legacy Guardians, we salute you. Your dedication, bravery, and commitment inspire us every day. As we celebrate the Marine Corps' illustrious history, we also pause to remember and Honor those who've given their all, whether here or abroad. With every plaque delivered, and every tee worn, we continue our heartfelt journey, ensuring no Hero is ever forgotten. Semper Fi!