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10,000+ Hours of Therapy $1,372,549 Donated 3,050 Memorials Delivered
A Half-Million Strong: Celebrating Our Followers, Likes, and Their Impact

A Half-Million Strong: Celebrating Our Followers, Likes, and Their Impact

From a Garage to a Movement

A single memorial plaque built in a garage has ignited into a movement of Honor and remembrance. Today, we at Til Valhalla Project celebrate an incredible milestone—half a million followers on Facebook, with over 400,000 likes, each an affirmation of our shared dedication to Honoring the Fallen.

The Power of Community

Facebook Like

Our story is a testament to the power of community. Your support has turned our small team's passion into a collective roar of respect for our Heroes. Each follower, each like, each share has expanded our ability to craft and deliver memorial plaques, ensuring that the sacrifice of our nation’s bravest is forever etched in our memories.

Your Role in Our Continued Mission

In gratitude for this remarkable milestone, we invite you to deepen your engagement with us. Visit the Til Valhalla Project website to witness the tangible impact of your support and explore how we can continue to Honor our Heroes together with memorial plaques to the families of the Fallen. With half a million followers and 400,000 likes, your voice makes our mission possible.

Let's keep this momentum going. Together, we are a force of remembrance, a community Honoring every Hero's legacy. Check out our previous blog post to learn more about our beginnings!

Go ahead and LIKE our Facebook Page and don't forget to download our new APP where we've made it easier to Honor our Fallen Heroes!