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Be More Than Just a Retailer: Carry Til Valhalla Project on Your Shelves and Share Our Mission

Be More Than Just a Retailer: Carry Til Valhalla Project on Your Shelves and Share Our Mission

Elevating Retail Beyond Transactions

At Til Valhalla Project, we have always aimed for more than just transactions; we aim for transformation. Our mission is far-reaching: to Honor our Fallen Heroes, to raise awareness about suicide, and above all, to ensure that no Hero is ever forgotten. And now, we're extending an exclusive opportunity for like-minded businesses to share this mission by becoming our wholesale distributors.

Shopping Retail

Why We're "Picky" And You Should Be Too

Being selective has its merits. Just like some of the most conscientious brands out there, we're discerning about who carries our gear. Sure, sales are important, but what truly defines our partnerships is the alignment of values and mission. Dollars keep the lights on, but what we're really counting are the lives impacted and the positive message that accompanies every product we sell.

A Shared Vision

So, what are we looking for? Retailers who stand for something more, who share our vision of Honoring Fallen Heroes and saving veteran lives. Your shelves will not just display products; but you will be the reason why memorial plaques are made for the families of the Fallen.

Integrity Above All

We value integrity over everything else. If your business operations and corporate values echo the sentiments of giving back to our community of veterans and first responders, then we're already on the same page.

The Potential to Do Good and Broaden Your Impact

Black Friday Retail

By carrying Til Valhalla Project gear in your store, you're opening up new avenues for positive change. Your customers will not just be purchasing a product; they will be contributing to a mission that makes tangible differences—like providing Memorial Plaques to grieving families and fighting veteran suicide. This is an impact they can truly see with their own eyes.

Build a Community

Moreover, offering our products is an excellent way to build a community around your business that believes in supporting worthy causes. Our brand has a strong, loyal, and engaged community that you will become a part of, and this community is as committed to our mission as we are.

The Next Step: How to Get Started

T.V.P. fall hat retail

If you're interested, we'd love to hear from you. If your business aligns with our mission and values, let's talk. You'll not only be elevating your retail game but also spreading a message that needs to be heard far and wide.  

"Every Hero deserves to be Honored, and we will do whatever it takes to ensure their legacy lives on forever."

Become Part of a Larger Cause

Here's your chance to be more than just a retailer. Become a part of our mission. Make a lasting impact by carrying Til Valhalla Project on your shelves and sharing our mission as your own.

Ready to make a difference? Let's connect and explore the promising possibility of a future together, a future where every sale echoes with the resounding affirmation that no Hero will ever be forgotten.