CPL Jasmine Osterhaus Memorial Bracelet – Hosted by the Osterhaus Family


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These beautiful, laser-engraved Wristbands are made to order in memory of our Fallen Heroes. Proceeds from the wristbands go towards creating Memorial Plaques for the families of our Fallen Heroes, at no cost to them, be they Military, Law Enforcement, or First Responders.

This memorial wristband honors our Fallen Hero: CPL Jasmine Osterhaus. Her husband writes: "She was my everything. I experienced seeing beauty in a soul that I could have never fathomed experiencing without knowing Jasmine. She made me so incredibly happy every day. Not seeing her rush around the house on Monday to prepare for 0500 PT crushes my heart. I never knew what truly loving someone felt like until I fell in love with her. It was impossible ever to feel sad or down around her because of the light she radiated. I will cherish every beautiful memory of her and the plans we had for the future forever. On top of being an amazing wife, Jasmine was an incredible Marine, and her impact will never be forgotten. 

I love you so much honey bear, and know I will never stop thinking about you."

Til Valhalla Sister, may you live on forever.